December School Holiday Program


Our very popular tennis camps are running again these December school holidays at both OPTC and EFLTC!

Keep the kids active and entertained by enrolling them in either our Full Day Camps (includes healthy morning tea), Half morning camps or Advanced Junior Clinics. These can be booked on a weekly or daily basis.


In the camps we work on all the different facets of the game, such as technique, rallying, learning how to play points, etc. The kids are split into teams and throughout the week teams win points for the activities they participate in. Points are awarded for things like helping the tennis coach with picking up the balls, persevering with the improvement of a shot and being a good sport. It gets very competitive (in a fun way) as everyone eagerly awaits the prize-giving at the end of the week.

For dates, times and prices for the camps at OPTC – click here

For dates, times and prices for the camps at EFLTC – click here


If you would like to enrol your child in either clubs camps – click here – to head to our website> choose Holiday Programs> Location > Week your interested in enrolling in > then your program for either the week or day/s.

For even more information regarding our Holiday camps, head to our Holiday Programs page.