Junior Tennis Pathway

Stage 4 – Compete

Competition is the final piece of our comprehensive Junior Tennis Pathway.

We encourage every child to play competitive tennis that is appropriate to his/her size and strength. We offer modified tennis tournaments for all Hot Shots players, Sunday pennant teams/matches for children aged 7 to 16 years, and tournament scheduling for our top players.

Our Compete Programs

Tennis Factory UTR Colour Ball Series

UTR Colour Ball tournaments are for children aged 6-13 years of age conducted using the same Red, Orange and Green formats as Hot Shots.

These events are perfect for kids looking to play in their first tennis matches and for kids who have already played, who love to play and compete and want to play more

Talk to your Coach to see if your child has the basic skill required to play.

Players playing just one match will gain themselves a Colour Ball Rating (CBR). Players start at either Red 1, Orange 1 or Green 1 and as you play more matches your ranking improves, eventually when players are old enough, they move to yellow ball, where they move to a UTR (Universal Tennis Rating).













Tennis Factory is the first tennis coaching company in WA to introduce CBR to the state. UTR is already established here in WA for yellow ball players and both CBR and UTR are used widely worldwide to indicate a player’s level of tennis. Meaning if you move or travel overseas your rating will be recognised, enabling it easier to grade you when competing.

Our Colour Ball series tournaments run for 2-3 hours and offer each player a minimum of 2 matches against players of a similar level. Players are grouped into new/first time players (Red 1, Orange 1 and Green 1) and then players ranked Orange 2, Green 2 and Green 3.

What level do you need to be in order to participate?

Red – The minimum age is 6 years of age (up to 8/9 years old) and all you need to be able to do is hit a serve underarm over the net and in with reasonable frequency. Our staff will be on-site to help with scoring. Parents are expected to help oncourt with scoring too.

Orange – Ages 7-11 years. Players must attempt an overarm serve for first serve and underarm for second serve. Player must have some experience playing with parents or has completed some tennis lessons to learn the basics. Players have some assistance from parents or staff with the aim of players learning to score and manage their matches at this age.

Green – Ages 9-12 years. Preferably players can serve overarm and score. Limited assistance from parents and staff when required.

How do I enter my child?

Step 1 – Check out Tennis Factory’s calendar for event dates.

Step 2 – In order to play players need to create a Competitive Player Profile. If your child does not have one, please create one here.

Step 3 – For the links to enter our colour ball events and events at other clubs click here.

Hot Shots Orange Matchplay

7 – 11 Years

Hot Shots Orange Matchplay is an opportunity for our orange-ball players to take the skills learnt in lessons and apply them in matches.

Matchplay is suitable for experienced Orange Develop players, and anyone enrolled in our Orange Progress or Perform stages. Please speak to your Coach to see if Matchplay is suitable for your child.

Tennis West Hot Shots League

Orange: 7 -10 Years
Green: 9 – 12 Years

The Hot Shots League is a weekly competition using orange and green ball formats, played on Sunday morning.

There are summer (October-March) and winter (May-August) Orange and Green leagues. (No matches during school holidays.)

Please note: you must be a financial member of either Onslow Park Tennis Club, East Fremantle Lawn Tennis Club or Peppermint Grove Tennis Club to compete in the Hot Shots League.

If your child hasn’t played Hot Shots League before or hasn’t been invited to play, please talk to us before enrolling.

A league team consists of 5 or 6 players. Four players from the team are rostered on for each match. Each player plays one singles rubber and one doubles rubber per match.

The team can be any combination of boys and girls.

The 10-week competition is played on a home and away basis, with the top six teams then playing off in a final series to determine the division winner.

Starting time is 8.30am in summer and 9.00am in winter. All matches must be completed by 12.30pm.

Tennis West Junior League/Pennants

10 – 18 Years

Commonly known as Pennants, the Tennis West Junior League is a competition played on Sunday mornings against other teams in Perth. There are mixed leagues for boys and girls aged 13 and under, and same sex leagues for 15 and under and 18 and under, with a range of divisions covering different abilities.

A team consists of 4 to 6 players of similar age and ability with 4 players from the team rostered on for each match. Each player plays one singles rubber and one doubles rubber per match.

The 10-week competition is played on a home and away basis, with the top six teams then playing off in a finals series to determine the division winner.

There are summer (October-March) and winter (May-August) competitions. (No matches during school holidays.) Starting time is 8.30am in summer and 9.00am in winter. All matches must be completed by 12.30pm.

Please note: you must be a financial member of either Onslow Park Tennis Club or East Fremantle Lawn Tennis Club to compete in TW Junior League.

If your child hasn’t played Tennis West Junior League before or hasn’t been invited to play, please talk to us before enrolling.

If you are interested in playing pennants for either of our clubs please email our competitions manager or call 0439 972 268.


There are tournaments for all levels in Perth – colour ball (Red, Orange & Green) events, and yellow ball junior tournaments at various levels.

Tennis Factory runs multiple tournaments throughout the year for juniors at various levels – UTR Colour Ball series events (throughout the year), the WA Orange ball State Championship (April) and the East Fremantle Junior Tennis Classic (December). For all upcoming events (juniors and seniors) head to the Tennis Australia Competitive Play Calendar.

More info on competitive play

Head to the Tennis Australia competitive play page for more information.